Photo by Scott Benesiinaabandan
Monday, October 24/11:
1) Artistic Visioning
This session was run by Denise Bolduc. I had heard some of this information before during her classes at The Centre For Indigenous Theatre, but it was very useful information and it was nice to be reminded of it. When we were split up into groups to interview each other and then introduce each other- it was a great way to hear how others view you and how you view yourself as an artist. This was a helpful guidance to writing your own artistic vision. One thing that I took away from the session was what Denise said “Always read over your vision, every so often as it may change as we are always changing our practices and you need to keep it updated”
2) My First Play
Keith Barker and Kenneth T. Williams spoke to their first plays while Tara Beagan was asking questions. A lot of what they were speaking to, was helpful to me, as an upcoming playwright and it also gave me something to think about.
“It is better to write stage directions in your scripts, to help guide the designers when working on your play and yet giving them the freedom to not use them” said David Geary. This spoke to me as I am one who likes to write stage directions – just to write my vision down just to have it out on paper and I found that depending on who you are, sometimes it’s better not to read the reviews on your play as it might affect how you write from then on. However, sometimes it adds fuel to what you write the next time. Kenneth likes to read the reviews yet Keith was thinking he won’t want to read them. It’s up to you and how you are in taking criticism.
Tuesday, October 25/11:
Indigenous Design
This round table discussion had Archer Pechawis, Gabriella Caruso, Rose Stella, Garret Smith. Tara Beagan was guiding the session along. Andy Moro was supposed to be there but he was unable to attend because he was busy with a previous engagement. Which was a great lead into the discussion because there are so few Indigenous designers out there, that when we have one- like Andy, they will get run down from having so much work. Here are a few of the quotes that I really enjoyed from the discussions:
“Discipline grows out of your daily activities- craft” – Archer Pechawis
“The old people are whispering in your ear… don’t have to be Native, we all have that.” – Archer Pechawis
“If your connected to that infinite the work flows out of it.” –Archer Pechawis
“If you’re the only Indigenous person in the room, you have got to shine cause everyone is looking to see why you don’t deserve to be there.” – Tara Beagan
“You have to do this work under heart-felt, as there’s no way you could do it…so make sure your ready for the heart-work.” – Rose Stella
“I see genius in diversity…we all have to believe we can. It’s important that we work together…my idea is completed by yours, my stroke is completed by yours.” –Gabi Caruso
At the end of the session, Archer showed us the oldest existing footage of indigenous people on film (1894) that had men dancing around the drum and even though there was no sound you could see the men smiling and having a good time. It is his favourite movie to show people and he uses it as a backdrop for sets. It was nice to watch them dancing around and I think it inspired some participants to work on their craft. It certainly inspired me.