Saturday, September 10, 2011

Michael Greyeyes honoured at Canadian Dance Assembly AGM

"It is observed with alarm that the holding of dances by Indians on their reserves is on the increase, and that those practices tend to disorganize the efforts which the Department is putting forth to make them self-supporting. I have, therefore, to direct you to use your utmost endeavours to dissuade the Indians from excessive indulgence in the practice of dancing. You should suppress any dances which cause waste of time, interfere with the occupations of the Indians unsettle them for serious work, injure their health or encourage them in sloth and idleness. It is realized that reasonable amusement and recreation should be enjoyed by Indians, but they should not be allowed to dissipate their energies and abandon themselves to demoralizing amusements. By the use of tact and firmness, you can attain control and keep it, and this obstacle to continued progress will them disappear.13
Duncan Scott to Agents and Inspectors, RG10, Volume 3826, file 60,51101 Part 1 (August 19, 1915)"
-sourced on Tawow website.
Michael Trent, CDA President and Nathalie Fave, Executive Director hold the award recognizing
the contributions of outgoing Board Director Michael Greyeyes. (Greyeyes was in the rehearsal hall!)

contributed by Tara Beagan